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2009.12.10. 00:12 | Tarr Feri | Szólj hozzá!

The crowd parted planting takes place during a game even before the
start of the show.

The kórustagok white dress with an apple and a mask to cover their
faces, which is important to well-kilássanak the conductor, and the
singing does not disturb them.

Above room: Fully regular concert hall experience in a small space.
Entering a Chamber evenings feel. On stage, the five musicians sitting
in a semicircle before kislámpával revealed kottatartóik and may
váltóhangszereik stands under the front of the conductor conductor,
facing the audience. The guitarist will often leave the place, it
would be nice if in this case in his chair still remain illuminated by
the music stand. (You have to be empty at the beginning of his chair
as the first item 2 below begins to play.)

The band is fastened behind a canvas on which the audience seated
above the chart below events.

The audience is planted in close chairs, light concert, that is
complete, when implanted in the audience and the piece just below the
stage is illuminated. Perhaps a better visibility for the sake of the
musicians sit platform.
Below room: a large canvas stretches across the rear third of the
auditorium stage in parallel. The screenings take place all this on
canvas. The events take place mostly in this space. Where not, it is
marked. The lights and the public in planting freedom. The greater the
light switch, not the whole concert experience should provide. This is
clear from the public to be accommodated.

BOTH Create

A camera is a fixed position from which we can broadcast live events
in the other room, and a table is a computer, which the projectors are
connected, and what the actors during the play can skypeolni,
projected. So to be able to change the pre-recorded images, live TV
and computer monitor image of screening. This record should be
technicians to carry, so that the actors sometimes skypeolni sit down,
but it is feasible, if according to plan - to take advantage of the
helyzetkomikumot - odébblökik the technicians, who replaced him, of
course you want to project to the surface. The skypeolós parts of the
original (ie, very bad quality) sound is hangosítva.
Sound system:

The above room audio system so the band should be solved before a
microphone that is all instrumental, which leközvetítjük the sound of
a speaker, such below the five-room, long distance from each other -
the audience behind the whole width of the room - located in
speakerphone. Pharmacy advertisers exception of the guitar, who would
micropowder, quasi pick up to play more freely. The room above the
instruments speak live, there do not need the audio, the sounds below,
but this should be in proportion to the soloists and the chorus sounds
a vein.

Térmikrofonnal bottom of the choir should be recorded, which should be
above or just plain stereo. The three special operators mikroportja is
what should be everywhere.

The buffet also is given to music which is viewed as that of the Great
Hall before a speaker, and the road kisteremhez small speakers give
the szitárszólót and then the violin solo live electronics mixed.

The translation:

During the game, we sat in the audience, their hands pressed a note to
one, with both sides of the first paragraph of the piece is read, in
Hungarian and English.

The skypeos advance excerpts of the chat window felírnánk English
texts and conversations during görgetnénk down, so it can arouse the
feeling, as if speaking in Hungarian, English and gépelnének.

The other part could be used during the alma.blog.hu (if in another
apple blog) have created homepage beyond which the two languages are
currently spoken text, and using a rezonőrt, who cartons of texts
written in capital letters that might at any point in the play.

1. Act
No 1st - Overture (Orchestra)
The screen is illuminated from behind. Árnyjátékban the start we see
the earth (hasalásból) develops slowly born, who make up a large
árnyékparadicsommá gradually. Then, as now starting to come out from
behind the canvas for the kórustagok, legelsőnek the choir, the
tomatoes gradually dispersed. Előbújva online, learn about the "new"
world. When the last member to quit, but the Narrator silhouette

The sound in the upper room radiate below.

No 2nd - On (narrator, guitar)
The Narrator, the choir begins to sing in kezdőakkordján amorphous
(quasi KÓRUSIMPRÓ), the first conductor of the hiding and showing off
the pace, then row kórustagok. Gradually find a common tempo and start
the second item described. The guitarist in the room is a potential
humorforrásként. Narrator will enter in, he starts to sing. The chorus
here is pick a position in which they can comfortably see the
conductor, there is no longer interfere with the movement of the
singing Narrator. At the szövegrésznél that "the two ősszülénk"
appears in two projected photograph of Adam and Eve. Both of them
having personalities of a typical twisted guy cut up plakátszerű
background (eg, by Eva pink sweetheart, etc.).. It started in the
pre-recorded video clip, where we see Adam and Eve, as the front of
the building szerencsétlenkednek Trafo. The last, angrily singing
"walk" on must start in the video that living here you are quasi
"végszavatok not heard of?" Type poénként.

Here, conversely, the sound radiate bottom up.

Even the Narrator of Paradise that once koradélután nice kettecskén
sétálgott together, the two ősszülénk: Adam and Eve. Selyemfüvön,
gentle jackals, deer between sweet walk, walk.
No 3rd - All quiet (band)
The whole lot of error or pre-recorded spots. The picture and sound at
the same time should be recorded. (CHARACTERS: ADAM, EVA, flutist,
clarinetist). The record-style kézikamerás shaky, homevideo must be
like to really think living in the audience. The video
basszusklarinétnak of Adam and Eve in the flute, a musical instrument
is a meet and instruments imitating each other's character clown.
Mimic the movements of the instruments playing, who is actually behind
the actors play musical notation attached to the back. This recording
is a part of látszódhatna, as is cheaper movies big, hairy, sometimes
HANGING microphone. The many close-in shooting should be to not show
that the inclusion of other reality than the reality of the
performance period. As I reached the buffet, take leave of each other,
go to Eve in the room below, while Adam above the stairs.

The sound and picture both are equally at play.

No 4th -- (Narrator, Eve, Adam, guitar)
Eva antréja be scary to be. Others had to be computed on the basis of
the viewer of the video. Maybe other clothes, otherwise sminkelve,
etc.. Odébblöki the technician from the table and sits in place
skypeolni. Above, while Adam continue to do so. In the meantime, the
music stops. Look for each other, then the dialogue goes through
Skype. That is, Eve of the audience sees is projected that much, while
Adam down. The gyomorkorgás, a strange voice in the world of music so
far should be.
Suddenly, one of the Narrator Kordula Adam's stomach!

EVA Adam? What was that?

ADAM growl, purcogás.

EVA You muttered, purcogtál?

ADAM I do. The hasammal.

No 5th - The great fugue (band, choir, the soprano / narrator)

This part of the music Eva internal mental state, that is, to anger,
to express. While the music goes, Eva begins to gradually cut an angry
face, and keep the change between different facial expressions stupid.
This is the camera with Skype, so the audience sees on the screen so
enormous (when the audience is below the above image to play a
broadcast). This tension also takes over the chorus (a musical
instrument témaindításától a slogan related to) who is hungry and
mormolásával already learned the choreography of the movement to
recall the chaos, broken down by the previous static térformát. The
kórustagok from angry and aggressive nature also can constitute
apples, who are aggressively coming towards the viewer, thus creating
a sort of uncomfortable feeling in the audience. The nyolcadoló
switched lasers have already joined the movement-induced, but very
solid ütésszerű sounds, which attract the kórustagok movements.
Narrated by reciting the Eve of an outbreak of anger should be closed.
That is, suddenly stands up and this prevents the movement of the
narrator, to finish the sentence (eg, slapped hard by revealing his
hand or something similar to GEG).
FACULTY hunger. (Fugue)

Narrator (kórusból the server, but the fugue melody, be careful!
rhythmic text!) On an apple tree stood, balmy breeze scented
susorogtak the branches and smiled at the tűzpiros ...

Nr 6th - The apple tree. (Tuba - apples and violin - the branches) - SZITÁRSZÓLÓ
The fugue at the end of the guitar nervously leaves the room above,
and letting the door behind him, this moment does the screening, which
is in the cafeteria szitározó guitar shows. The screen on the büféből
the fixed szitárszólót see, in which the guitarist funny, but dressed
in oriental szitározik. Meanwhile, the cloth is visible through dress
that later, when the audience it passes through the bar between the
two acts térfélcserében, it appear, in guitarist szitározott really
live in this dress.

Eva szitárszóló during almafejű Choir of masks and looking for a
solution. The choir is frozen off. In the end, the Zarathustra-tone to
be generated Eve. When you realize that 'apple' (kórustagok the head),
then turn on the lasers and smoke. Hence 7 scene is chaos. Meanwhile,
the Narrator feltápászkodik and leave the scene, only 2 However, we

No 7th - Was the great fugue. (orchestra, choir)
The lemerevített picture suddenly comes to life again, to continue the
madness, while the apple-apple section we do not. The lasers in a
pre-recorded akkordozások bejátszásának controller is connected to
apple, so apple first choir sings live, in the second, but only one of
the laser and this deferred Belényi hear. Then again live, and then
deferred again, and so on. Pepitában same applies to the band, they
begin to inclusion. This is a smaller variety KÓRUSIMPRÓ into place,
where the apples are in favor of live recordings of the laser is
turned on, raising a total chaos. The item described the end of the
conductor and the conductor conducts the choir and band separately or
in different weather. A lot of guys end bentmaradó does rattle, and
the treble violin, which already leads the line in hegedűszóló.

FACULTY (sudden continues Fuga) Apple. Apple. Apple. Apple.

No 8th - Solo (violin)
Meanwhile, the audience sat through. The átülésre viewers should be
warned before the start of the play. The laser is now the hegedűszóló
electronic distortion control. The sound of violin and electronics in
the cafeteria and the road between the two rooms radiate. 2 Act begins
when everyone took his place.
2. Act

No 9th - Narrator, guitar
The csellisa quasi megunva the solo violin and átülés chaotic
atmosphere, fall to the solo, but the clip we see a sudden, like a
strange place to play (in the bathroom, cloakroom, on the Chain,
etc.).. When you realize that the error or bejátsszák, it hurt to stop
playing. Then the fast section is only an imitation, to play.

The inclusion tizenhatodolás to go, so this can vezényelni above and
below the conductor and the conductor. Meanwhile, back down again in
the shadow play. We see the silhouette of the Narrator, as the apples
among the walking. Meanwhile, the Choir of the splittings of the first
act again to exit the auditorium, like, and only a silhouette remains,
probably again the narrator. But when you start singing it appears
that not even he saw the silhouette. In fact, the audience begins to
sing from behind the audience and walks off slowly. Antréja from his
magic, unlike the first Eve felvonásbeli antréjával. "And the
bűntelenül like a baby" after a pause. You have to play that asks the
Narrator to bejátsszák the photo, but the right "technique devil"
because of late. The two ősszülénknél returns to the well-known image
of Adam and Eve plakátszerű pictures next to each other, but are
modulated according to the story ( "find the five differences"). This
praise of the choir into two standing boys Eve, the girls' Adam, while
the boys are enthusiastic Éváért. The "going" in late cibálva Eve
Adam. Changes in the sight of Eva singing Narrator, who is also a
Even the Narrator of Paradise that once koradélután nice kettecskén
walked together - and bűntelenül like a baby - the two ősszülénk: Adam
and Eve. Brilliant rózsapusztákon going through the wonderful
sziklagyepekhez understand.
No 10th - Aria
During the worship (9 mark.) Left the boys and girls are right. The
corridor between the two of them retires Eve, Adam who sit down to
sing to him and he produces, kellesse. The boys zealously watching Eve
(the girls in her grimace, perhaps a elővehetnek Eve magazine, as the
kórustagok of the page to find an editor). Then, the "rumbling bears"
after Adam expresses the dismay and Eve from start to sing
differently, try the 'stereotype by playing solid-nő' ensnare. But
it's not like Adam. Therefore, the énekrész Adam lestoppolja at the
end of the whole scene, and his inner spiritual world comes to life.

11 We see this scene.
 How charming is the EVA tomatoes!

Tündériek the lions!

Magnificent zebras and elephants blessed!

Rumbling bears, snowy egrets!

Gently undulating velvety lawn!

Virákocskák kelyhében motozó bugs!
No 11th - Wonderful life (band) on

Adam walks in the choir, the singer's admiration for apples in
paradise. The feeling of propriety are clearly seen, sat on his face.
Then, when the girls start to sing a wonderful life, begin to look for
a partner (alto, tenor, soprano, bass). From board and let the boys in
the EVA rajongásukat. Here is the game that can be used to sing it
louder if you meet someone. After everyone found a pair, with a line
in front of Adam about. half of the stage. Breaks out of the Fund
lemerevedésből Eve awoke to the end of the beénekelje "wonderful Eve"
was Adam.
Wonderful life! - Eve: Eve Amazing!

No 12th - Prose (Eve, Adam)
The choir is after quietly into Adam, that éhhé Latvian. This
expresses the fact that they do not know what to do with Eve suit. Eva
énekstílusában the kelletős singing his return.
ADAM Eve, I éhhé.

EVA Adam! Beh now also have a good apple! A little apple! Solution
would be: an apple!

No 13th - The legless lizard (band)
Then Eva sits on a machine, type into Google to Apple, this is
projected to the audience sees. That is, looking for an apple. Come
across on the Internet for pre-established alma.blog.hu on. Meanwhile,
the Narrator sits there in front of the computer and log on Skype.
Meanwhile, the guitar player goes down next to Eve. The music is great
to prepare for battle, to escalate.
No 14th - Dual (Eva Seltopuzik, band)
The conversation over Skype on the go. The musical instruments must be
very cigányprímásszerűeknek, ie skypeolók head over to bazseválniuk
(in contrast to high-tension music compared to the previous). The
seltopuzik but I am "has to be elhangoznia that the Narrator lecsukja
of Skype, and underneath the tray, this sentence seems great
wallpaper. Sing and it must be difficult to understand the text.
EVA Oh, Snake, where an apple tree?

SELTOPUZIK are two of the garden center.

EVA But you know, my snake, not sure what to eat?

SELTOPUZIK I nearly forgot. Here is a cliff behind.

EVA Thank you, my snake.

SELTOPUZIK Do not mention it. But I'm seltopuzik.
No 15th - The Serpent (band) Very similar "to the legless lizard" to!
Here the music stops. While the Narrator get down, down before Adam,
the conductor there explain what the seltopuzik (either from the
alma.blog.hu). Then the music restarts Eve netezik looking for more
apples. Meanwhile, the Narrator is time they reach top.
No 16th - Greeting the snake (chorus, snake)
The Narrator appears to be little to remind the appearance of the
first Eve. The choir should be afraid of him. First lemerevedve only
voices to each other indicate the danger, but then the snake
fascinates them. Everyone sings the first time any pace, "what a
charming guy posh" when passes, and he conducted the singing, the
first sentence. Meanwhile, Eva is surrounded, he did not notice,
because netezik. Narrator so enthralling that befordítja the webcam
and sing it into "human wrong thing." Eva and then sets the stage
mid-take. Eve followed the serpent, and then repeats "Dear Eva." The
snake I am "has been sung together. Then, all intently watching each
other for a long time. The choir and especially civilian, and then
everyone leaves the place, except the two girls.
FACULTY (Renaissance homophonic chorus) What is the sleek, posh guy to
walk this way!

SNAKE wrong things human, dear Eva! I am the snake.

3. Act
No 17th - Walk (band) - Guitar solo

During the guitar solo (which may be deferred, to the music exactly
alávághassuk the projection) is shown képvetítés after the Fall of
man. This triggered the civil kórustagok, musicians mixed with the
audience watching as the children (eg, cross-legged). Down is also
No 18th - Gregorian chant on the people's throat (Snake)
Adam tell the rest of the text - this is about inclusion, echoing so
that he can not see, like the quasi-talking thoughts with us, that
everyone understands what it was in the story. A symbol of sin "slowly
fade after the Apple logo hajazó, kiharapott apples as well.
SNAKE Adam Latvian hungry. Alma asked. But where are the apples? Eva
seltopuziktól one asks: Where's the apple? And in the kulcsmondat
sounds, the answer is the middle of the garden. Yes, the symbol of

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